Made public last week was a message from the pope to Cardinal Camillo Ruini, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, and to the participants in the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Italian Association of Radio Listeners and Television Viewers.
John Paul II writes in the message dated November 10 that the purpose of this association, started by Catholic Action, is “to promote the dignity of the person, the family, schools and to safeguard the rights and cultural, spiritual and moral interests of citizens.”
“It is necessary,” writes the Holy Father, “to help television viewers, especially families, to make mature use of the medium of television in order to know how to discern with balance and wisdom the transmissions that are in line with the Christian vision of the world and of man.”
The pope says that “the legitimate needs of the worlds of communication and entertainment must be harmonized with the rights of individuals and families, without ever giving in to the illusions of those who want to confuse truth with opinion, and while avoiding exposing the most sacred and intimate aspects of family life to becoming spectacles and being banally vulgarized.”
After expressing his appreciation to the association for having created a system of codes to protect minors, the pope concludes with the hope that “a constructive dialogue between families and the world of television can be cultivated, promoting serious ethical reflection which is so necessary to those who work in the field of social communication because they carry out a task that has important formative aspects.”