On this great feast of Corpus Christi, we recall the two instrumentalities that God has chosen as the means of giving us this great gift of the Eucharist. The first is Mary the Mother of our Redeemer. She said “Yes” to God allowing the Word to become Flesh. She is the wheat and flour from which the bread of the Eucharist is made. In the wonderful hymn Ave Verum"we pray, Hail True Body of Christ, born of the Virgin Mary. Mary's body has given us Christ's Body. Her self-giving prepares us to be a Eucharistic people. At the Great Marian Shrines, Mary gathers the disciples who persevere in prayer in her company and they gather around the altar. Mary brings us Christ and leads us to Christ.
The other instrument by which the Eucharist comes to us is the ministerial priesthood. Without priests there is no Mass. All of us need to be promoters of priestly vocations in our families, our parishes, our schools and our communities.
A number of parishes have initiated Eucharistic Adoration in connection with the Jubilee Celebration among them St. Anne's. I would encourage all of our people to join our love and devotion to the Eucharist with a profound love for the priesthood and pray for vocations.
Jesus Himself enjoins us to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers.
Let me close these reflections with that appeal"
Love the Eucharist"God present on our altars.
Love the priesthood that allows the miracle to continue.
[Part 7 of 7]