eBay Bans Homeschool Teacher’s Manuals as “Dangerous” Material

The Internet auction giant eBay has banned the sale of all teaching manuals for homeschool teachers, reported World Net Daily yesterday, causing widespread concern among members of the homeschool community who rely on the trading center to obtain necessary materials for home study.

The new policy prohibits the sale of all teacher’s edition textbooks and related material, including material utilized by homeschool teachers, stating that the products often contain “special answer keys, exams, teaching tips, and guides.”

“As you may know, eBay does not permit items that are illegal, dangerous, offensive, or potentially infringing,” the company stated in response to a user’s complaint, posted on an eBay blogsite.

“Additionally, eBay has just recently made the decision to prohibit the sale of Teacher’s Editions of textbooks and solutions manuals that are intended solely for use by teachers. Since eBay strives to be a level playing field, all Teacher’s Edition textbooks, manuals and guides will be covered under this policy. Unfortunately, homeschooling Teacher’s Editions are not exempt from this policy and this policy will apply to all grade levels.”

“Multiple organizations and publishers have voiced their concern to us over such books that may only be purchased through educational institutions by teachers.”

(This article courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)

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