The Mass and the Eucharist are the source and summit of the Christian life. In this way, our Sunday obligation is more than just an hour each Sunday. But with so much richness, it can be hard to know where to begin to learn about the Mass.
Michael is joined by Christopher Carstens, the Director of the Office for Sacred Worship in the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, to discuss how you can take Mass from a routine into a time of piety and intense devotion.
Some topics we explore today:
- The meaning of the “sacramental principle” and how it can help change how you see Mass.
- How the Creed is a giving away of your heart.
- Why your presence is desired and required at Mass.
- How to truly participate in the Eucharistic prayer.
- How to transform prayers at Mass into a conversation with God.
- How the Dismissal is a call to take Christ to our neighbors.

Christopher Carstens
Christopher Carstens is Director of the Office for Sacred Worship in the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, instructor at Mundelein’s Liturgical Institute, editor of the Adoremus Bulletin, and a voice on The Liturgy Guys podcast. His latest book, Devotional Journey into the Mass, is available from Sophia Institute Press.
You can hear Mr. Carstens speak at the upcoming Avila Summit. Other speakers will include Cardinal Sarah, Anthony Lilles, Dan Burke, and many more. Click here to learn more.
Check out these two articles mentioned in the interview:
- “How to Receive Communion to the Fullest” by Christopher Carstens
- “Summary Guide to Participation in the Mass,” a printable guide by Christopher Carstens
- “21 Things We Do When We Make the Sign of the Cross” by Stephen Beale
Books we discussed:
- Meditations Before Mass by Romano Guardini
- The Power of Silence by Cardinal Robert Sarah