This month the Holy Father received the Letters of Credence of the new ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Carlos Rafael Conrado Marion Landais-Castillo. The Pope expressed his joy due at the "good relations between the Church and the State" in the country and his desire that they "continue in the future."
"It is appropriate," he said, "to recognize the activity carried out in your country through the dioceses, parishes, religious communities and apostolic movements." He mentioned specifically "ecclesial activity in favor of the disabled, AIDS patients, ethnic minorities, migrants and refugees," as well as the "presence of the Church in the field of education."
John Paul II recalled that although the Church does not propose "solutions in the public or technical sphere, it must however indicate the motivations and guidance offered in the Gospel in order to illuminate the search for responses and solutions." Therefore, he continued, its mission is "to recall, defend and consolidate the genuine ethical, spiritual and transcendental values, particularly at the present moment during which internal and external causes have produced grave deterioration in your country and a descent in the quality of life of Dominicans. While solving these problems, one must never forget that the common good is the objective to achieve for which the Church lends its collaboration to the government and society, without interfering in other realms beyond its mission."
"In today's world," he continued, "it is not enough to limit oneself to the law of the market and its globalization; we must foster solidarity, avoiding the evils that come from a capitalism that puts profit before the person and makes man the victim of so many injustices. A model of development that does not keep in mind these inequalities or confront them decisively would not prosper in any way."
After emphasizing that "those who suffer the most are always the poor," the Pope indicated that "they must be the objective of the vigilance and attention of the State…. It is essential to highlight the importance of education and formation as elements in the fight against poverty, as well as respect for fundamental rights that cannot be sacrificed to the detriment of other objectives, as this would attack the true dignity of man."
John Paul II concluded by expressing his closeness "to all those who were affected by the earthquake this past September and the recent floods. I applaud the effective solidarity of other regions of the Dominican Republic and other countries in the Caribbean. I ask the Lord to grant the victims the strength and capability to generously give of themselves in order to deal with the devastation suffered, and that they may have the necessary help to be able to lead an ordinary life."