Into the Deep Book Club: Join Us as We Read Together!


Into the Deep (Week 1 of 4)

We’re excited to announce that the next book we’re reading together is none other than Into the Deep, by our founder Dan Burke.

The back cover contains two sentences, which is appropriate, considering that this slim volume has less than 100 pages:

“If your heart is restless like mine, there is a path to peace and joy available to you. This path can only be found in and through prayer.” — Dan Burke

In this book, Burke strives to make the difficult and challenging concept of prayer a simple and approachable practice.

And, I’m glad to say, he succeeds.

We’ll be flying through this book, but don’t let that stop you from a considered reading and revisiting of this topic.

What Burke does so well is plant the seeds. It’s each of our responsibility, though, to water them with our efforts. God will provide the sunshine and the miracle of growth.

Writes Matthew Kelly in the foreword:

Prayer is difficult, joyful, challenging, and life-changing. The journey into prayer, into the heart of God, is the reason we were made; it is the reason God brought us into existence.


This place, this journey, this battle is worth every ounce of effort you can give it. It is worth everything you own, everything you aspire to be, everything you are. If you commit, persevere, and embrace this journey, you will know the life that Jesus has promised, a life of peace and joy that cannot be taken away by the trials of this world.

Burke offers each of us a simple approach to prayer.

If you struggle with prayer…well, that means you’re just like the rest of us. ? Burke is right in the trenches with us, and he holds out his hand, offering tips, insight, advice, and, best of all, encouragement.

We hope you enjoy reading this with us and that you find this book as life-changing as it’s intended to be.

Below is our prospective reading schedule:

5/23 Week 1    Foreword; 1-24
5/30 Week 2   Part 3-4
6/6   Week 3   Part 5-6
6/13 Week 4   Part 7-end of book

Reading Assignment:

Foreword; pages 1-24

Discussion Questions:

1. What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to prayer?

2. How can you make one change this week to commit to prayer?

Feel free to comment on anything from our assignment this past week!

Read More:

For More Information on the Book Club:

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About Sarah Reinhard

Sarah Reinhard continues to delight ”and be challenged by” her vocations of Catholic wife and mother. She’s online at and is the author of a number of books for families.

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