Christianity On Trial

Michael Medved hosts a nationally syndicated daily radio talk show on which these editorials were aired. You can visit his website at

The authors list the common charges that politically correct thinkers use in smearing Christianity — like the idea that Western religion blocked scientific advancement, or bears responsibility for the African slave trade. In each case, the book displays how Christianity more frequently took the side of goodness and decency than the side of ignorance and cruelty.

The book bristles with fascinating details — showing that even in the Roman Empire, Christ’s early followers fought a courageous battle against oppression of women, infanticide and, yes, abortion. Christianity on Trial is surely one of the most important books of the year. Don’t miss it.

Teaching Terrorists American Diversity

This country has never held more depraved and dangerous captives than the al-Qaeda terrorists currently detained at Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba. Some of these suicidal fanatics openly announced their intention to kill their American guards, yet we treat them with dignity and decency, even allowing the International Red Cross to inspect their conditions. As comedian Jay Leno commented: “Some human rights groups are complaining that the detainees at Gauntanamo Bay are being treated inhumanely. Oh please! They’re in the Caribbean in January, okay?”

They have all received foam mats to use as prayer rugs, and copies of the Koran for religious study. But someone arranging the daily menus must have a sense of humor: the prisoners get a breakfast every day consisting of bagels and cream cheese. It can only benefit our Islamic guests — who fervently believe all Jews are diabolical monsters — to begin each day with American’s most famous Jewish food.

Bat Mitzvah Attack Shows the Contrast

The cycle of violence in the Middle East leads to American disgust on both sides — blaming Israelis and Palestinians equally for the bloodshed. But occasionally a story spotlights the underlying contrast between them.

On January 17th, a Palestinian suicide killer burst into a Bat Mitzvah celebration, murdering six and wounding 25 at a religious party for a 12-year-old girl. The Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade celebrated in the streets, proudly claiming credit for the attack, saying it avenged the killing of one of their commanders, Raed al-Karmi.

But where is the balance? Al-Karmi was a self-proclaimed warrior who boasted of murdering at least nine Israeli civilians. At the Bat Mitzva, the dead included innocent children and old people, even the young girl's grandfather.

Palestinian aggression targets any and all Israelis, while Israel targets combatants and terrorists. Palestinian militants demand the total destruction of Israel, but Israelis only want the slaughter to stop.


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