Christendom College to Cancel Classes So Entire Student Body Can March For Life

The entire student body of Christendom College, including many of the faculty and staff, will join hundreds of thousands in protesting abortion at the 36th annual March for Life, to be held in Washington, D.C., on January 22.The College routinely cancels classes on the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision that legalized abortion on demand in the United States, and its Student Activities Council charters buses to provide transportation for the hundreds of students eager to attend.

“Since the College is closed for the March For Life, Christendom’s commitment to life affords all our students the opportunity to give public witness to the importance of life in our nation’s capital,” Dean of Student Life Jesse Dorman said.

“The March is a critical part of the pro-life movement and has a tremendous impact on both the participants and the greater public,” President of Christendom College’s Students for Life Cyrus Artz said. “Christendom students and other attendees are given the opportunity to connect with other pro-lifers and realize that they are not alone in a hostile culture and frightening political environment. The nation at large is given a witness that America is not complacent about life, and that the youth of America are going to be fighting the battle for life until won.”

The theme of this years march is “REMEMBER – the Life Principles mean Equal Care with No Exception!” The March’s website states that “the Life Principles focus on the fact that each human life begins at fertilization by any means, and society must provide equal care for the right to life of each born and preborn human. The Life Principles are based on our secular homicide laws.”

Founded over 30 years ago Christendom College has attended the March for Life as a community every year. Its students are active in pro-life work year round, leading prayerful protests at a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Washington once a week, as well as taking part in sidewalk counseling and other pro-life activities.

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