Dark Side Of The Internet
Skyrocketing statistics from the nation's law enforcement community attest to an alarming increase in Internet Pornography and cyber crimes. Ill-prepared school aged children confront these Web realities with greater frequency than ever before, but, either out of embarrassment or fear of a parent-imposed Internet embargo, frequently fail to inform Mom and Dad. Although understandable, such behavior is a prescription for trouble and plays right into the hands of evil-doers on the dark side of the Internet.
An urgent Children's Internet Safety “wake-up call” is vitally needed to prompt parents and guardians to investigate what their children encounter when they go online, learn what they are dealing with and take prudent measures to protect them. The FreedomISP Foundation, with whom Catholic Exchange has partnered to bring you our Catholic Exchange Connection Web filtering service, has developed a dynamic National Children's Internet Safety Campaign. Its purpose is to inform the public about the pervasiveness of Internet pornography and the increasing risks associated with the accelerating, global population of cyber predators on the prowl for innocent children they can manipulate and sexually exploit.
The campaign balances expressed appreciation for the amazing Internet technology that provides instant access to the world around us, with a call for responsible parenting of the Web environment in the home. It addresses the vital need for safe online access so children can enjoy and benefit from the remarkable communication technology at their fingertips without troubling encounters that can lead them astray.
Law enforcement officials recognize the Internet to be an invaluable education and communication tool, but all emphasize the importance of urging parents to help their children avoid pitfalls in cyberspace. In a unanimous vote by the U.S. Senate (Resolution 294), and House of Representatives, October was named: “Children's Internet Safety Month” on the nation's promotional calendar. FreedomISP Foundation worked with co-sponsors, then-Senator Spencer Abraham (now Secretary of Energy in the Bush Cabinet), and Senator John McCain to achieve passage of the original legislation in Year 2000.
In February of this year, Michigan's statewide campaign was successfully launched in FreedomISP Foundation's home state, with the backing of Lt. Governor Dick Posthumus and unanimous endorsement by Michigan's Senate and House of Representatives, church leaders and public school administrators.
The Foundation is gathering signatures nationwide to push for a safe Internet environment for kids. In continuing reports, Attorney General Ashcroft pinpointed “the new Internet market for pornography” and the increased danger it poses to young children. One in five children who go regularly online will be approached by strangers for sex, according to a Crimes Against Children study. These random intrusions work against the wholesome Internet environment envisioned for children to use and learn from and are a far cry from the Web's intended purpose. To date, 39 Attorneys General, the highest law enforcement officers in their respective states, have signed campaign endorsement letters.
A Declaration Of Safety
The signature-garnering campaign for “pledges,” by which family members indicate their intent to be more careful about the Internet viewing habits of children under their care, is designed to create a wholesome Internet environment for kids. The Foundation's “Declaration for Children's Internet Safety” sounds the alert. Foundation president Marlene Elwell established the FreedomISP Foundation to help make the Internet safe for children. Mrs. Elwell summarizes her Foundation's commitment in these words: “Once the innocence of a child is lost, it's lost forever.”
FreedomISP Foundation is focusing on it's inspiring “Declaration for Children's Internet Safety,” by which parents and guardians “pledge” to become more watchful and protective of the Internet safety of children under their care. Declaration outreach embraces individuals, churches of all faiths, businesses, organizations, public, private, parochial and charter schools, and thinking people everywhere.
Former Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham was first in the nation to affix his signature to the Declaration at a ceremony in Washington, DC, given in recognition of the Foundation's pioneering public service efforts. Starting with the fall 2002 semester, planned distribution of Declaration documents in Michigan public schools will provide take-home materials to generate thousands of Michigan parent signatures. The Foundation's goal is to get signatures in all 83 counties of the state.
“Mall Walk America”
In conjunction with this year's observance of “Children's Internet Safety Month,” on Tuesday, October 1st, 2002, in over 250 shopping malls across America, parent-accompanied children will parade with a torch symbolic of the cause for children's Internet safety. Local credit unions and major shopping malls are co-sponsoring the first annual “Mall Walk America” torch-relay events in their respective states.
The spirited gatherings will stress the need to safeguard children from cyber criminals who are ramping up invasion of home Web environments and targeting innocent children on millions of computers nationwide. These events will bolster civic pride around the effort to protect the moral integrity of the American family and will draw crowds to cheer this important cause. Hometown youngsters will be invited to pass the torch from hand to hand along the event relay course.
After the Mall Walk Relay is completed, torches bearing city-of-origin nameplates will be collected for presentations in the Nation's Capital to thank the nation's leaders who supported Freedom ISP's original Children's Internet Safety Month resolution and will bring the inspiring campaign, that began in Michigan and ultimately embraced the nation, full circle.
Just when you thought it was safe to travel the information highway, a tidal wave of pornographic web sites flooded the World Wide Web, bringing a stultifying effect on decency and the sanctity of the home. In the face of this onslaught of salacious material, parents must act to protect their children from harm's way or risk serious consequences. As the children's advocacy campaign will be ongoing, with exciting new outreach projects for kids and community-based activities on the drawing boards, Elwell invites interested persons to take a moment to learn about the Foundation's mission and participate in the evolution of the most innovative communications vehicle in history.
Catholic Exchange has partnered with Freedom ISP to provide the highest quality family-friendly Internet filter currently available. For information on how to sign up for Catholic Exchange Connection, click here.