Brazilian public schools have begun programs to instruct students at the elementary/junior high school students in homosexuality-affirming “sexual diversity” and other related topics.In the State of Sao Paulo, the Secretary of Education has announced that, beginning in 2009, students will be taught “the importance of respecting the sexual choice of every individual, destroying the taboos and doubts of the students,” according to the state’s website.
The initiative is a response to recommendations by Federal Ministry of Education, which counsels states to “address sexual diversity in schools.”
In Joao Pessoa, the capital of the State of Paraíba, school faculty are being trained in “sexual diversity” for children and adolescents by a program called, “Equal, Why Different?”
“The initiative seeks to bring the child to reflect on and to modify stereotypes and prejudices, as well as to combat homophobia” says a summary posted on the State of Paraíba’s official website.
A similar federal program is being conducted in Dourados, Mata Grosso do Sul, through a program called “Escola que Protege” (The School that Protects).
The regime of socialist Worker’s Party president Luiz Lula da Silva has made homosexual activism a priority, both within Brazil and internationally, and is seeking to pass an “anti-homophobia” law that opponents say would prohibit all expressions of disagreement with homosexual behavior.
Lula recently gave a speech in which he said that “homophobia” may be “the most perverse disease impregnated in the human head” (see LifeSiteNews coverage at