Book Review: “Catholics for a Free Choice—Exposed,” by Brian Clowes

Pro-Aborts in Disguise

Catholics for a Free Choice Exposed by Brian Clowes exposes the motivation and the goals of this group, and how we can best counteract their ideas that further the Culture of Death.

This expose of CFFC is thorough, informative and well documented. It’s clear that this organization, which purports to celebrate freedom of expression, individual responsibility and personal liberty, is actually manipulative, hypocritical and completely inconsistent in its poorly constructed “philosophy.”

CFFC was organized by three members of the feminist National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1970. Their first office was located in a Planned Parenthood building. They are affiliated with numerous secular pro-abortion groups, but CFFC is unique because they attempt to identify themselves as “Catholic.”

Cara Camden is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and currently works in Washington, D.C. This article is reprinted courtesy of HLI Reports, a publication of Human Life International..

Orwellian Games

As Clowes reports, former CFFC President Joseph O’Rourke “acknowledged that CFFC’s primary function was to provide an allegedly Catholic voice at pro-abortion press conferences when he said that ‘CFFC really was just kept alive for years because the mainline pro-choice movement wanted a Catholic voice.’” That is why they use the “Catholic” label — to manipulate the Church from the inside and to misrepresent it to the outside world.

Clowes details their work in both arenas. CFFC is associated with groups like Women-Church, Women’s Ordination Conference and other dissenting groups. As Clowes notes, these groups want to overthrow the patriarchy and hierarchy which is the structure of the Church to “anticipate the New Age, expecting it soon to dawn upon the earth and seeking to pattern itself after what it believes to be the social order of redemption.” History is replete with such lofty plans — none have succeeded and the toll on the innocent is staggering. Frances Kissling, current president of CFFC, said, “God put me on Earth to give the Pope a hard time…. I’ve spent years looking for a government I could overthrow without going to jail and I’ve found it in the Church.”

The fundamental problem with Catholics for a Free Choice is that they won’t accept authority and they don’t want to be told that their beliefs are sinful. Thus, they seek to overthrow the whole structure in order to remove their own guilt.

To the outside world, CFFC is just another Catholic organization. The pro-abortion movement in general loves to play the Orwellian game of language, and so far it has served them well. “Conscience” is a favorite term — though for pro-aborts it means the final arbiter of truth. But a properly formed conscience will recognize truth, not try to create it.

An Effective Tool to Counter Dissent

Another major subject of this book is where CFFC gets its funding. The list is a who’s who of the anti-Catholic, socially liberal, or badly misguided. Those who gave grants include Ford, Ted Turner, the Unitarian Church, the Rockefellers, and the Playboy Foundation!

Part Two of Catholics for a Free Choice Exposed is a guide to answering CFFC’s arguments. These rebuttals are divided into theological (faith-based) and secular (fact-based). Clowes methodically refutes CFFC’s arguments point-by-point. This book is definitely a great resource for countering the pro-abortion crowd. In all, Catholics for a Free Choice Exposed can be an effective tool to counter dissent in the Church and the pro-abortion movement in general.

(To read about the latest Catholics for a Free Choice scandal click here.)

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