Commentary by David Bereit, National Coordinator, 40 Days for Life
February 17, 2010 ( – Would you believe that 40 Days for Life is just starting, and we’re already hearing about big victories in the days leading up to the campaign?
In Rockford, Illinois, the city council was asked to establish a bubble zone outside the local abortion center — a law that could severely restrict pro-life activity there. The alderman who sponsored the proposal said it was needed immediately — because 40 Days for Life was coming!
The majority of the council thought otherwise, and tabled the proposal for 60 days — which means the 40 Days for Life campaign will not face unreasonable restrictions!
In Riverside, California, the 40 Days for Life kickoff rally took the form of a Jericho march — 250 people marched around the Planned Parenthood facility, praying for an end to abortion.
The excellent turnout is only part of the good news. “Before we even began, a baby was saved!” said Pam, one of the local coordinators in Riverside. Two of the participants met a mother of four who was arriving for an abortion. “They prayed with her and the Holy Spirit came upon her and there were many tears,” said Pam.
“She made a decision for life!”
In Syracuse, New York the 40 Days for Life kickoff event was just as enthusiastic — and certainly a lot colder! The group gathered to sing, pray and celebrate victories outside the Planned Parenthood center that is the nation’s oldest free-standing abortion facility.
During the fall 40 Days for Life campaign, Planned Parenthood laid off two employees, one of whom thanked vigil participants for praying — and promised she would never go back into that place again.
In Augusta, Maine, local 40 Days for Life coordinator Janet LeBlanc was joined at the kickoff event by Nicole Peck, who helped launch the first 40 Days for Life efforts in Norwich, Connecticut. The teamwork that 40 Days for Life fosters is really helping this mission spread!
There’s more good news here as well. The abortion center in Augusta, Maine is reporting that it will be losing almost $400,000 in state funding because of budget issues. Janet says people now pray regularly in front of that clinic, and “God has been listening.”
Have you signed up to pray at your local 40 Days for Life vigil? If not, please do!
If you have, please take another hour! Who knows what blessings will be in store?
Here’s the link to the list of participating cities: