The President of Ave Maria University Jim Towey released a strong statement saying in no uncertain terms that Ave Maria University will not comply with the HHS contraceptive mandate.
Unfortunately, a provision in the massive health care reform legislation will now force the University to either violate our core beliefs or discontinue health care coverage for our employees, and in the process, pay a steep fine to the federal government.
This is wrong. Ave Maria University rejects this religious intolerance and will not bow down before government regulations that are manifestly unjust.
Towey said the college is also considering legal action against the administration.
Towey, a former Assistant to the President of the United States and Director of the White House Office of Faith‐Based and Community Initiatives from 2002‐2006, said this administration’s Faith Based Initiative is “descending to the level of farce.”
To watch President Towey’s video statement, see our Featured Videos section!