Ryan Foley is an entrepreneur at heart. Now retired from the U.S. Air Force, the tall husband and father runs ePriest.com and vocation.com and is engaged full-time in strengthening the Church’s teaching on the dignity of the human person and promoting the Catholic sexual ethic.
A major threat to this teaching (and to the peace of soul that comes from following it) is pornography. Porn has spread like a virus throughout our culture and has degraded cultural sensibilities in TV sitcoms, movies, billboard campaigns, and magazines at the grocery store checkout stand.
The most virulent (read hardcore) strains of the virus are found, of course, on the Internet.
I spoke this week with Mr. Foley on Catholic Answers Focus (catholic.com/focus) about a hugely popular and verifiably effective solution to Internet pornography. It’s called Covenant Eyes, of which Ryan Foley is vice president for business development. I’ve mentioned Covenant Eyes on Catholic Answers Live, and every device in our home has the software.
As you’ll hear from the interview, there still exists widespread denial among parents about the nature and frequency of the hardcore porn their chilldren are seeing and the young age of their first exposure to it. Click here to get a free 60-day (twice as long as the usual 30-day trial period) chance to test drive Covenant Eyes:
That offer is good until December 31, 2015. As Ryan explains on the podcast, it’s not just an image blocker; it provides accountability in which adults are treated like adults. Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.” The implicit collorary is, “Cursed are the impure of heart, for they shall not see God.” As far as the evangelical counsels go, poverty (thanks in part to the mission of Pope Francis) is making a comeback.
Too bad chastity and obedience are still lagging behind. We eschew both at our peril.