[Editor's Note: This is the sixth and final article of a series of articles on the theme, “Being Transformed as Catholic Men.” Click here to read the first article, second article, third article, fourth article, and fifth article.]
We conclude this series of articles with a prayer that each of us would experience ongoing transformation into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus, you are King over everything seen and unseen! I acknowledge you as my Lord and Savior. Nothing is hidden from you. Your eyes are clear and full of light, with no logs or specks. How marvelous that in your holiness you delight to remove from us those things that hold us back from you and keep us from being transformed into your image and likeness. What’s more, your mercy is as great as your holiness. Rather than condemn us, you seek to set us free. By your masterful touch and perfect vision, open our eyes to your fullness of life!
Lord, you are holy! I am a sinner who needs you. Forgive me for turning away from your commands and not seeking your face. Help me to admit the things in my heart that must be cleansed so that I can follow you. Your desire to reveal my sin is a declaration of your mercy, a declaration of your intention to set me free and transform me!
Open my eyes, Lord, to see my true thoughts and motivations. I don’t want to hold on to the self-righteous things I consider worthy but which you have called filthy rags. I want to be emptied of any condemning attitudes toward others, for condemnation only brings bondage to both of us. Release me, Father, from the grip of negative thoughts and critical attitudes. Let your cleansing blood wash over me now. You can remove the selfish motivations deep within me for you know every corner of my heart. Bring into the light my “logs” of self-righteousness and pride. I don’t want them anymore! I ask for your forgiveness. I want room for your presence and your life. I give you permission to transform me into your image and likeness.
Jesus, you are full of compassion! Thank you for not leaving me in my sin! Thank you for giving me the power to change through the power of your Spirit that dwells within me. Thank you for transforming me. I want your life to overflow through me to others. Fill me with your heart of mercy. Let me reach out to those around me with a gentle and compassionate spirit. May I see the dignity of each and every person as a masterpiece created in your image. May I give to others the mercy and forgiveness you have given to me. Let encouraging words come out of my mouth so that others may come to know you through me. Move me to be tenderhearted toward those who are struggling. I want them to see you in me. I want to help lift up their spirits to you, Lord Jesus.
“Lord Jesus, I rejoice in your ongoing work of transformation in my life. I rejoice in your victory in my life through the power of your cross and resurrection.”
Many thanks to The Word Among Us for allowing us to adapt material from daily meditations in their monthly devotional magazine. Used with permission.
(Maurice Blumberg is Executive Director of the National Fellowship of Catholic Men. This article is part of NFCM's sponsorship of the Catholic Man channel. Contact NFCM at P.O. Box 86381, Gaithersburg, MD 20886 or e-mail them at info@nfcmusa.org. If you would like to make a contribution to the NFCM, just click here.)
Reflection Questions on Page 2
Questions for Reflection/Discussion by Catholic Men
1. Do you believe that the desire of God the Father’s heart is to see you transformed into the image and likeness of his Son? Why or why not?
2. Why is this ongoing work of transformation so important to us as Catholic men?
3. Why does prayer play such an important role in this transformation? Do you expect the prayer in this article to make a difference in your life? Why or why not?
4. If you are in a men’s group, pray this prayer together at the end of your meeting. Continue to pray this prayer often, perhaps every day, over the next several weeks and then share the impact of this prayer on your life at future men’s group meetings.