Luke and John recount in their Gospels that Jesus’ most common greeting during the resurrection appearances was “Peace be with you.” There is no doubt that the disciples of Christ needed the gift of God’s peace after witnessing His passion and death, having their dreams dashed with His disappearance, and fearfully agonizing for three days over how they might soon come to the same fate as Christ at the hands of the Sanhedrin.
Yet there is more to Christ’s gift of peace than a simple desire to calm His frantic followers.
Christ’s frequent offer of the gift of His peace after Easter morning suggests that His peace was a particular fruit of the resurrection. While His very presence, His love, His powerful message of truth and His healing grace were often a source of peace for those who encountered Him during His public ministry, the resurrected Christ offered this gift in a completely new and more powerful way.
Everything that Christ said and did for three years pointed to the Paschal Mystery, the Passion, death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every miraculous healing, every powerful sermon and every life-changing encounter was mysteriously pointing to and drawing power from these saving events. Jesus conquered Satan, sin and death by becoming sin for us, offering His life in obedient love to the Father on the Cross and rising on the third day. He became at the Resurrection a source of eternal peace.
Christ won victory in the most important war that we face as humans, achieving true forgiveness from the Father, reconciling us to Him and restoring us to a life of grace. Pope John Paul II, in an Easter message from April 23, 2003, said:
Peace, therefore, is identified as a “novelty” inserted into the history of the Passover of Christ. It is born from a deep renewal of the human heart. Therefore, it is not the result of human efforts nor can it be achieved only through agreements between persons and institutions. Rather, it is a gift to be accepted with generosity, to be preserved with care, and to be made fruitful with maturity and responsibility. However troubled the situation may be, however strong the tension and conflict, nothing can resist the effective renewal brought by the risen Christ. He is our peace.
St. Peter, in the Acts of the Apostles, makes it clear that a crucial role of an apostle, and indeed any Christian, is to bear witness to the Christ’s Resurrection. “The author of life you put to death, but God raised Him from the dead; of this we are witnesses.” As Christians, we have a mission: to bear witness to the Risen Lord.
One of the most powerful ways that we bear witness to Christ is when His peace reigns in our hearts. The world is starving for peace, on every level. If we know Christ’s peace, if it reigns in our lives in spite of life’s countless trials, then people will seek the source of our peace and we will be led to Christ. When we are deeply aware that the war has already been won by Christ and with Him at the center of our lives we have nothing to fear, the Good News will spread like a brushfire on this earth.
Lord, make me a peace-filled witness of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Fr. Peterson is Campus Minister at Marymount University in Arlington and interim director of the Youth Apostles Institute.
(This article courtesy of the Arlington Catholic Herald.)