86% of Americans Would Significantly Restrict Abortion: New Poll

The American people continue to move to the pro-life perspective on abortion according to the latest Moral Compass polling by the Knights of Columbus and Marist Institute.

The poll mirrored findings of other recent surveys, showing that more Americans identify as pro-life than as pro-choice (an 11% shift from October), and that the vast majority of Americans favor restricting abortion.

Among the key findings:

– 86% of Americans would significantly restrict abortion.

– 60% of Americans would limit abortion to cases of rape, incest or the life of a mother — or not allow it at all.

– 53% of Americans believe abortion does more harm than good to a woman in the long term.

– 79% of Americans support conscience exemptions on abortion for health care workers. This includes 64% of those who identify as strongly pro-choice.

– 69% of Americans think that it is appropriate for religious leaders to speak out on abortion.

– 59% say religious leaders have a key role to play in the abortion debate.

Additionally, the data showed that nearly every demographic sub-group had moved toward the pro- life position except for non-practicing Catholics and men under 45 years of age.

Independents and liberals showed the greatest shift to the pro-life position since October, while Democrats were slightly less likely to be pro-life now than they were in October.

“The data shows that the American people are placing an ever increasing value on human life,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “Far from the great divide that most people think exists when it comes to the abortion debate, there is actually a great deal of common ground.

“Most Americans are unhappy with the unrestricted access to abortion that is the legacy of Roe vs. Wade, and pundits and elected leaders should take note of the fact that agreement on abortion need not be limited to the fringes of the debate and issues like adoption or pre-natal care. The American people have reached a basic consensus, and that consensus is at odds with the legacy of Roe.”

The survey of 1,223 Americans was conducted May 28 – 31 and has a margin of error of +/-3%.

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