2007, A Year to Give Our Burdens to the Lord

"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your selves.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden light." (Matthew 11:28 -30)

As we begin a new year, we all have burdens that we are bearing, many of which will not go away by just making New Year's resolutions. Some are manageable, but others can drain us of all hope. Consider the husband who feels trapped in a difficult marriage and is struggling with major unresolved issues with his wife. Perhaps, there is a sense of estrangement or lack of forgiveness among family members. Many of us may be weary from addictions or hurt by betrayal or crushed by shattered dreams. On top of all this weight, we are often told that it's our own fault, or that we just need to snap out of it, or that there are others who have it much worse.

Jesus' invitation to come to him to find rest is for all who are weary. He does not sort out those whose weariness is largely due to an inner defect from those whose troubles are external. While some may judge us this way, Jesus does not. He speaks with words of love, Come to me (Matthew 11:28). He does not avoid us if we are finding it difficult to do his will. He knows, in fact, that his comfort and companionship can empower us to do his will.

When we accept Jesus' invitation and come to him, we may not get all our earthly problems solved. We will, however, find rest. He will remove the burden of laboring on our own. He will place his yoke on us — the guidance of the Holy Spirit — which is a light and gentle burden that will guide us in the way of peace.

If you are exhausted and want to see a change, drop your burdens at Jesus' feet. That includes dropping whatever injustice you feel has been done to you and surrendering all the complexities of your situation piled up over the years. Turn the tangled mess over to Jesus and invite him to help you deal with it according to his wisdom and guidance. The guilty party no longer owes you a debt. A reckless loved one need not keep you tied up in knots. Worries about the future don't have to cripple you in the present. In Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can forgive, you can surrender, and you can find hope and direction.

Jesus is inviting all his followers — he is inviting you — to take his "yoke," which is specially fitted to your needs and abilities. "I won't make it hard for you," he promises. "If you lean on me and let me shoulder the burden, we can be victorious together. Come to me, and truth will prevail, obstacles will fall, and you will find all the strength and courage you need."

Jesus wants to pour out his Father's love upon us and make us secure and firmly rooted in that love. And 2007 is just the year to receive this promise. Let's come to Jesus, as he invited, take up his yoke, follow him, and rejoice.

"Father, I bless you for your faithfulness and love. My burden is lighter because you have sent your Son to be a light for my path and a shelter in times of trial or suffering. Lord Jesus, I surrender to you all that burdens me, in all its complexity. I desire to take on your yoke and your burdens. I trust that you will help me. I want to live for you.

Many thanks to The Word Among Us for allowing us to adapt material from daily meditations in their monthly devotional magazine. Used with permission.

Questions for Reflection/Discussion by Catholic Men

1. What do Jesus' words in Matthew 11:28-30 mean to you?

2. In the opening sentences of this article, we hear these words, "As we begin a new year, we all have burdens that we are bearing many of which will not go away by just making New Year's Resolutions. Some are manageable, but others can drain us of all hope." What are the burdens in your life that you are bearing right now? Do you believe what the Angel Gabriel said to Mary is true for your burdens as well, "Nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37)? Why or why not?

3. In 2007, how can you respond to Jesus' invitation to give your burdens to him and take his yoke upon you?  What are the obstacles in your life that may keep you from doing this?

4. If you are in a men's group, end your meeting by praying for one another that 2007 would be a year to overcome these obstacles, so that you can take on Jesus' yoke and burden. "For my yoke is easy, and my burden light." (Matthew 11:30).


Maurice Blumberg is the Director of Partner Relations for The Word Among Us Partners, (http://www.waupartners.org/), a ministry of The Word Among Us (www.wau.org) to the Military, Prisoners, and women with crisis pregnancies or who have had abortions. Maurice was also the founding Executive Director of the National Fellowship of Catholic Men (http://www.nfcmusa.org/), for which he is currently a Trustee. He can be contacted at mblumberg@wau.org or mblumberg@aol.com.

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