You’ll Be Amazed at What You See

Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21 / Lk 12:35-38

In the gospels, Jesus talks a lot about being ready, staying awake, and not missing the main event.  Typically, this advice is interpreted as a caution about the unpredictability of death or the end of the world. But that misses Jesus’ real point, which is that God, with his precious gift of life, places before us remarkable opportunities every day, opportunities that we’ll miss if we’re not paying close attention.

So what exactly is it that we’d see if we were really alert and paying attention? First of all, we’d catch thousands of tiny glimpses of God who is dwelling right here in our midst, and we’d know the joy and comfort of his being right here. On top of that, we’d see ourselves more clearly, and know what we need to be attending to if we’re to grow into his wholesome sons and daughters.

Finally, we’d see clearly where we’re needed and why we’re so valuable to others. And because we saw it so clearly from the heart, we’d have the energy, God’s energy (it’s called grace), to step forward and do what’s needed.

It would be a shame to miss all that. So, as Jesus says, stay awake. You’ll be amazed at what you see.