2 Cor 11:1-11 / Mt 6:7-15
Our ways of praying reveal so much about what we really think about God. As Jesus says in today's gospel, many of us multiply words in prayer, as if we had to persuade God to do good things for us. Isn't that astounding! The God who made us out of nothing, who sustains in existence from hour to hour, who wants us to be with him for all eternity — this God needs to be persuaded to be friendly to us?! Ridiculous!
It's not God who has to change his attitude. We're the ones! By way of prayer, we have to get our spirits turned around, opened, attuned and connected to the One who is the source of our life and of all that is good in us.
Jesus was so clear about that. Don't multiply words. Just open your heart to the One who made you and who loves you more than anyone else ever will. Stop talking, open your heart to Him, and enjoy the experience of being filled full!