Romans 10:15
And how can men preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!”
Christianity is, first and foremost, an incarnational faith. Modernity, however, deeply fears incarnation and keeps wishing Christianity would be “spiritual” (by which it means “disembodied, purely intuitive, and not able to bother me with demands”). Those who believe in “spirituality” have the notion that there is one all encompassing inner light that already burns within the breast of each person and that if we only get in touch with that light we need no such crudities as “preaching”, “Church” and other short sharp words with grating “ch” sounds in them. Christianity, however, incorrigibly insists that the real way people find out about God is pretty much the way they find out about anything else: somebody tells them about it and they either meet people or read books or go places where those who know about it are talking. That is why the Word became flesh and took upon himself a pair of human feet. We are human and hear the gospel with human ears in a human way. Today, Jesus sends you to walk and speak his gospel as a member of his Body. Be not afraid, but open your mouth and speak. People need to hear.