The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer notes that Georgia and other states are considering informed consent legislation that would require state health departments and/or doctors to tell women about the breast cancer risks of abortion.
Three years ago, a widely reported scientific review of 47 studies in 30 countries reported that breast cancer rates in developed nations could be cut by over 50% if women would have more children and breastfeed them longer. [1]
Experts agree that increased childbearing, starting before age 24, provides the best way to prevent breast cancer. Biological evidence shows that a third-trimester process in pregnancy provides the only mechanism for a woman to mature her breast tissue into cancer-resistant tissue. [2]
Common sense says you can't have more children and breastfeed them if you abort your pregnancies.
Experts agree that the woman who chooses to abort has an increased breast cancer risk in comparison to the woman who carries her pregnancy to term. They disagree whether the woman who aborts has an increased risk in comparison to the effect of never having had that pregnancy. A pregnant woman, however, doesn't have the choice of never having had that pregnancy.
“Would lawmakers deprive a pregnant woman of her right to know about recognized cancer risks of abortion?” asked Karen Malec, president of the coalition.
Several medical groups recognize that abortion raises risk beyond the loss of the protective effect of childbearing by leaving the woman with more cancer-vulnerable breast tissue. [3]
Before abortion was legalized in 1973, one in twelve American women developed the disease in her lifetime. Today, one in seven develops it.
“Hopefully, lawmakers want to reduce female breast cancer rates,” declared Mrs. Malec. “Two medical malpractice lawsuits in the U.S. and two in Australia have been successfully prosecuted because doctors didn't warn women about the increased risks of breast cancer and psychological harm. [4,5,6]
“Depriving women of their rights will only cause more women to file and win malpractice lawsuits.”
The facts would lead any reasonable person to the right conclusion. We encourage our supporters in all states to contact their elected officials and other policy-makers and share their views on this important issue.
To identify your state legislators and his or her contact information, click here.
1. Beral V, et al. Lancet 2002; 360:187-195.
2. See the breast tissue slides posted on the “Dear Doctor Letter.”
3. Groups are listed on web page entitled, ” Medical Groups Recognizing Link.”
4. FB vs. All Women's Health Services and Dr. John Doe, Multnomah County Circuit Court (Oregon), Case #0307-07422.
5. Lynne, Diana. “Abortion doctor caves in lawsuit: Settlement given to patient for not warning about breast cancer risk,” World Net Daily, October 23, 2003.
6. Goodenough, Patrick. “First Case Linking Abortion-Breast Cancer Settled,” Cybercast News Service January 4, 2002.
(This article courtesy of Concerned Women for America.)