Dear Catholic Exchange:
Why are so many Catholics still supporting the Liberal Democrats in any election held in our country? Are they not aware that they are against the teachings of the Catholic Church? Can anything be done to stop this?
Bernard O'Malley
Dear Bernard:
The tide is slowly turning. However, the equation is complicated by the fact that neither party especially reflects Catholic social teaching, as well as by the fact that Democrats and Catholics have long historical ties, since the Dems were the party of the immigrant and the poor in the early part of the last century.
Catholics are slowly awakening to the absolute incompatibility of Catholic social teaching with the only core value the Democratic Party has left: rigid-unthinking-goosestep-blind-commitment to abortion on demand. That's why Bush pulled a bigger percentage of the Catholic vote than Kerry, despite Kerry's phony protestations of Catholic devotion. Other issues are coming down the pike (stem cell research, gay marriage, etc.) to which the Dems are also pledging mindless devotion, and which are also absolutely incompatible with Catholic teaching. So, look for more people to change their vote. However, the problem is that the alternative is not exactly pure as the driven snow either. Bush has approved stem cell research. He has, like all Republican presidents, talked a good game about being pro-life, but essentially done the extreme bare minimum. And, there is the problem of a war that fails to meet just war criteria if we take the reaction of most of the world's bishops and two Popes as any guide.
In short, there are things Catholics can’t support under any circumstances (such as Dem zeal for killing children). But, the problem is that the alternative our political system provides is not a particularly great alternative. So, don't be surprised if all Democrat-supporting Catholics aren't persuaded overnight. But things are improving. Even Hillary Clinton is starting to figure out that the Democrat support for abortion is not a winning issue.
Mark Shea
Senior Content Editor
Catholic Exchange
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