Matthew 13:45-46
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that Jesus’ birthday is only two days away. How are you preparing? Are you doing more shopping than contemplating the wonder of God becoming man? Be honest, isn’t the incarnation more exciting than receiving “The Clapper” from Aunt Joann? Isn’t being called to divine sonship more captivating than your third “Chia Pet”? C’mon now, isn’t the Bible, the very word of God in your hands a greater treasure than a fruitcake? We thought so. Take a moment today and give God thanks for the great things he has done. Check your heart to see what you are searching for this holiday season. Have you found the pearl?