by R. Cort Kirkwood
(AgapePress) – If you want another reason to yank your kids out of public school, the National Education Association has graciously provided it: A failed resolution to brainwash their callow charges on the subjects of homosexuality and drag queens.
Last week, the teacher's union was forced to table the controversial measure, scheduled for adoption at its annual convention in Los Angeles, because of protest against it. But it came close to becoming NEA policy.
Among other things, here's is what the NEA proposes for your kids:
First, it suggests the “development of curriculum and instructional materials and programs designed to meet the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students” and the “involvement of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender educators in developing educational materials.”
The NEA also wants the “accurate portrayal of the roles and contributions of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people throughout history,” and the “dissemination of programs and information that include the contributions, heritage, culture, and history of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.”
As well, the NEA would ensure the “coordination with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender organizations and concerned agencies that promote the contributions, heritage, culture, history, health and care of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people.”
What “culture” and “heritage” the NEA wants to “promote” is an open question, but perhaps it means drilling pupils on the finer points of the Marquis de Sade's philosophy. As for “concerned agencies,” maybe the NEA will bring in the National Man-Boy Love Association. Why exclude pedophiles from its long list of “victims” as long as they're including men who get giddy gamboling in ladies undergarments?
After 600 protesters showed up outside the NEA's convention, it wisely dropped this insanity. But that won't stop the tenacious union and its “gay and lesbian caucus.”
Accusing the protesters trying to protect their children of “demagoguery,” the union's chief stood fast: “We're not in any way backing away from this issue,” he warned. Students everywhere need the union's “help” on such sensitive matters, which only the NEA's sexually enlightened pedagogues can provide.
That “help,” in brief, is teaching your kids to believe all sexual behavior, no matter how deviant, is “normal,” and to label anyone who thinks some things are a sin as “judgmental.” Being “judgmental,” of course, leads to “bigotry” and “homophobia,” sins the NEA undoubtedly will deal with as well.
With “help” like this, no wonder American schools are graduating one class after another whose victims cannot read, multiply without a calculator or find New England on a map. The teachers are much too busy “helping” them.
Thus has the time come, parents, to take back the schools. A few ideas:
If your local NEA chapter supports the radical agenda of its parent, attend shadow school board meetings, which a chapter official often attends. Work to undermine the union's standing with the board and the loyalty of the affiliate's members. Teachers who really care about kids will quit the NEA.
Also, scrutinize the so-called “Family Life Education” curriculum, the euphemism for sex-ed. Likelihood is, some of what the NEA proposed in its failed resolution is embedded, incognito, in the coursework.
If the sex-ed material is based upon the “research” of the notorious “sexologist” Alfred Kinsey, whose propaganda has brainwashed Americans since the late 1940s, your child is learning lies. A pervert, Kinsey used molesters, for instance, to collect his “data” on the alleged erotic interests of small children.
If change isn't possible, remove your child(ren) from public school. As long as parents keep their kids there, the bureaucrats, teachers and elected officials will believe the schools do their job.
Official support for the NEA has proven they don't.
(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)