What You Need Will Be Given to You!

Rev 15:1-4 / Lk 21:12-19

There’s a line in today’s Gospel that has been used by clergy for centuries to excuse themselves from the duty of sermon preparation: “Don’t worry about what you will say; it will be given to you.” Sermon preparation, of course, has nothing whatever to do with what Jesus was talking about in that passage from today’s Gospel. Jesus was talking about the challenges that His followers would inevitably encounter if they were being true to Him.

Isn’t it strange how goodness so often generates opposition and even persecution without intending or expecting to? The reason, of course, is not difficult to discern. Old habits and entrenched powers don’t like to be challenged, even when the challenge is the silent evidence of good example. That’s what made Jesus Himself a pariah to the local Jewish establishment, and it’s what eventually took Him to the Cross.

Jesus’ promise to His followers is not immunity from pain or conflict as we try to be good disciples. Rather it’s a promise of both the wisdom and the spiritual energy (grace) to hold to course and to be faithful. That promise is Jesus’ invitation and His challenge to all of us to follow Him without fear.

If we trust Him and truly confide ourselves to His care, we will have what we need to be His disciples in our own little piece of God’s earth. What more could any of us ask as a life’s work?