What Is the “Old Catholic Church”?

Dear Catholic Exchange:

My daughter recently announced she is getting married in “St. Francis Liberal Catholic Church” in Minneapolis. I have done some web-based research on this group and discovered some interesting things about their beliefs and teachings. Their website indicates that they grew out of the “Old Catholic Church of Holland.” I Googled that and found information about a “Jansenist” church called that. I would like more information about this group, it's roots, size, etc.

Can you refer me to someone Catholic who can fill in some of the gaps?


Gerald Andrews

Dear Mr. Andrews,

Peace in Christ!

In your research, you may have come across our Faith Fact Old Catholics, which gives an overview. Also, did you try Googling “Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands”? I found one figure of 12,000 worldwide. Hope this helps.

United in the Faith,

Eric Stoutz

Information Specialist

Catholics United for the Faith

827 North Fourth Street

Steubenville, OH 43952

800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484)

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