What Are You Doing This Weekend?

We're getting short on summer around my house, with school starting a week from Monday, so this weekend we've got some fun planned.  We've also got some fun unplanned – that is a few big gaps of time to fill in with just "goofing around".  That's important too!

In surfing around today, I found CNN's feature Discover Your Passion:  America's New Leisure.  For some reason, I found it surprising that anyone would need an online guide to help them discover a new pastime.  My problem is too many hobbies, not too few!  But upon further inspection, I found the feature to be full of fun and interesting ideas and suggestions.  If you find yourself with no plans for the weekend, you may want to take the online quiz and find some activities that fit your interests.  I'm a fairly geeky mom – an hour at either the Apple Store or Barnes & Noble counts as a good time for me!  I also love a good weekend hike, playing music with my boys, and of course traveling.

Also, just since it's Fun Friday, if you haven't already seen it you have to head over to the Google Mail Blog and watch some of the new responses for the Gmail video project.   The project is described here.   Beware – watching these videos will not enhance your productivity, but is likely to make you smile!  My personal favorite among the new submissions is the Lego one!  Since Gmail is my favorite email provider (of the five I use currently!), I'm having fun watching this project!

Home-work for Today:

  • Homework, on Friday?  No way!

Reading Room Resources:
Blog posts from this week related to Family Fun


Lisa Hendey, Catholic wife and mom, is the founder and webmaster of www.CatholicMom.com and the author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul and The Handbook for Catholic Moms: Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul. Lisa writes for several online and print publications, enjoys speaking around the country and hosts the Catholic Moments Podcast. Visit her at LisaHendey.com.

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