Homily of the Day

Wednesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks about being the true fulfillment of the law. This can be further confirmed through concrete actions.  His actions are acts of goodness.  

Jesus gives us a warning in doing our good deeds.  He asks us today to examine ourselves honestly:  Why do we do them?  What is our motive?  Do we do them because of human respect or for love of God and neighbor?  Our inner disposition in doing good deeds is important.   If we do good deeds because we expect the admiration and respect of others or for selfish reasons like the Scribes and Pharisees, then we have already received our reward and should not expect to be rewarded by our heavenly Father.   If we do good deeds because we expect to be rewarded for good deeds done, our motives are also questionable.  

However, if we do good deeds out of love for God and neighbor, simply because it is the right thing to do or because we wish to be good, not expecting to be rewarded for doing them, then we are on the right path. Our motives are honest and true, and our righteousness is justified before the eyes of God.  

Therefore, let us heed the Lord’s warning.  Let our prayer today be: “Lord, give me the courage, the strength, and the wisdom not to do the right things for the wrong reasons.  Amen.”