Homily of the Day

Wednesday of the Seventh Week of Easter

We cannot be just like everyone else because we are consecrated to truth. Jesus is the truth and we are consecrated to him. One day we will all stand before him and we will have to answer to what we did with the truth to which we were consecrated. That is why we cannot be just like everyone else. 

Jesus has given us his word and the world hates it. So we have our choice. Are we going to be consecrated and crucified with Christ? Or are we going to become one of those who water down the truth to make it more palatable to the worldly? Those are the only two options we

When we look at the twelve apostles, eleven of them upheld the truth 
and one watered it down. When we look at the people that St. Paul and St. John speak of in today’s readings, they tell us that this is the spirit of the antichrist. So our choices are: Christ or antichrist; truth or falsehood; to be consecrated or to be desecrated. The choice is entirely ours. 

Jesus has made his choice and he has chosen us. He has consecrated us to himself and he has asked us that we uphold the truth of his word that he has put into our hearts. That is what he did and that is what he asks of us, that we would love him, that we would be consecrated to him, and that we would live the truth no matter what the cost.