Homily of the Day

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter

It is clear in this Gospel that the initiative of the adventure of love of God with us began with the Lord. He took the first step to choose us, and to go out and bear fruit and with fruit that will last. What is this fruit — it is LOVE. Unfortunately, this word is often used and abused by society. Love is a word that is loosely and often shouted, without knowing what love is really about.

Christ describes love as the ability to lay down our own life for the other. To lay down our life means to lay down our plans, to lay down our ideas and projections and turn our full attention to the other. And the purpose of this love is to give glory to God who is the ultimate author of love. So that by this love, many people will be drawn to the Father, to believe that the Father exists and chooses us to be co-heirs of His Kingdom. The Father loved us first, by sending His only begotten Son and now we can inherit and share this love with others.