Homily of the Day

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter

A lot of people in the world have the difficulty of believing in God or that God exists. It is not that they are not convinced that there are insurmountable evidence that prove that God exists. Simply put, they just do not want to believe.

There are also many people who believe that there is a God, however, their beliefs are still in the primary stage; wherein their beliefs are based on their own ideas of God as they struggle to understand and create this concept of God.

Between these two extremes, there is the revealed truth that comes from God through the person of his only begotten Son Jesus. In the flesh, God is personified in Jesus. Amazingly, God takes the initiative to reach out to humankind in a way that he can fully and tangibly relate to. As we interpret this, Jesus becomes for us the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one may come to the Father except through him.

For those who believe in a primary way, they will find new and greater meaning in their relationship with God. For those who still refuse to believe in God, they are not exempt from the divine laws that govern the way things work in every dimension, the order of things that determine peace and security. It is not Jesus who will condemn them, but they have already been judged through their own actions of not listening to Jesus and disobeying what he said to find salvation.

Resisting God and doing things our way is like swimming against the tide of a rushing river. It is an act of futility. It would therefore be wise for us to listen, discern and believe that what Jesus tells us is true and as a result of this, find peace.