2 Cor 4:7-15 / Mt 20:20-28
A wise old Irish nun once quoted an old saying to me: "Pain is the price of consciousness." How regularly that truth is evident in the life of St. Paul, who was painfully aware of his own feet of clay. As he says in today's epistle, "We possess a treasure in earthen vessels." It's true of us all, though sometimes we don't remember either part of that quote.
We so easily forget what a treasure we have in the totally unearned love with which the Lord cherishes us. Who in the world could have imagined that this would be the way that God would want to deal with his creatures? But, unlike St. Paul, we also regularly forget how seriously unfinished we are, and we take the Lord's love for granted, almost as if it were earned. To face our flaws as Paul did is painful and it's tempting to look the other way. But consciousness of our real selves, instead of our imaginary selves, is the price of opening the door to God's healing love, and it's the key to beginning to grow into the persons that God always dreamed we'd be.
That consciousness of our real selves has to be renewed and expanded daily. The task is never done in this life. But rewards are real, here and now, and they're worth the pain, every bit of it. It's not the pain of death, but the pain of giving birth.