Dear Editors,
Your letter to Pope Benedict XVI put the icing on the cake of all your wonderful reporting during this great and emotional time for the Church. I was able to get more information from you than I was able to find on the Vatican website. We are so blessed. It is no coincidence that World youth day is in Germany. The Good Lord has been telling us not to worry. He is with us. Funny thing. I did not cry when we lost John Paul the Great. I cried though when we got a new Pope and I think this was in thanksgiving but also with a great awareness of just how much we need our Shepherd. I did not know it then but I realized how hard it is for us without a Shepard and how vulnerable we are. Praise and Glory to Jesus Christ!!!
Mary Pollack
Thank you so much Mary.
Let us pray for our dear Pope Benedict XVI. He will undergo much persecution in his first weeks as the new Pontiff.
Luisa Wheeler
Associate Editor
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