We Love CE

Dear Catholic Exchange:

I want to thank you for the comforting words you share each and every day with the Word of Encouragement. There are many times when after reading the wisdom of those words that I have found great relief from many personal burdens.

Thank you and God bless you!


Stephen R. McEvily

Dear Stephen,

Don't thank us. Thank God. (Though we appreciate your “Word of Encouragement.”)

Mark Shea

Senior Content Editor

Catholic Exchange

Hello Mark,

I have appreciated how your common sense, humor, knowledge of scripture, knowledge of Catholicism, and the historical church all come together in your writings. Great article today on CE (Skepticism and Fundamentalism). I keep you and Catholic Exchange in my prayers; asking that you may continue to be nourished by the Spirit so that you can continue to nourish us by your work.

Thank you for your wonderful apologetic efforts!



Thanks for your kind words! God bless you and yours!

Mark Shea

Senior Content Editor

Catholic Exchange

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