“We are grateful to The Washington Post for exposing what the pro-life community and Human Life International in particular have been stressing for years: namely, that pro-choice men are the number one perpetrators of violence against pregnant, pro-life mothers,” stated Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of HLI.
According to the Post's year-long investigation, at least 1,367 pregnant women and new mothers not including women from 13 states that do not record such figures have been murdered since 1990. A Maryland study highlighted by the Post declared, “A pregnant or recently pregnant woman is more likely to be a victim of homicide than to die of any other cause.”
“Abortion proponents always use maternal mortality rates to promote abortion rights. Yet as the Post reports, by the mid-1990s maternal mortality rates in the United States had dropped a full 99 percent from the last century, with fewer than 500 women a year dying of medical problems related to childbearing,” noted Fr. Euteneuer. “Until now, no one outside of the pro-life movement has been talking about the real fear women face. HLI has spent years documenting violence against women on our abortion violence database,” said Euteneuer.
Euteneuer continued, “While it is gruesome that Quinnisha Thomas's ex-boyfriend shot her execution-style at eight months' pregnant because fatherhood could get in the way of his music career, we Americans are not in a position to say his actions are incomprehensible. After all, our laws teach him that murder for convenience is permissible. If we're honest, we must admit that all these unborn babies were murdered because their fathers wanted to kill them, but these same babies could have died legally if their mothers wanted to kill them by abortion.”
Euteneuer concluded, “In an abortion culture, there is no justice for the baby, but now that women are shown to be the victims of choice, will the feminist fanatics change their song? We won't hold our breath. Extreme feminists now face a choice of their own: Be honest and admit that abortion is the best thing to happen to irresponsible men not women or continue to allow women to be brutalized by men who choose not to be fathers.”
(This update courtesy of Human Life International.)