Viewers Thankful for CE Features

Dear Catholic Exchange:

I don't know if this is the correct place to write to, but I just want to say that I think Msgr. Dennis Clark's “homily hints” are just great. I find them very useful in my ministry. Thank you.

Fr. Joseph Briceno


Dear Gail,

What wonderful work you and your collegues are doing for ordinary Catholics who are looking for a solid Catholic bible study.

I have been reading the Bible, seriously, for about 20yrs and when I first started, the only deep studies were Protestant,which I had to filter through a Catholic sieve. Now there is all this stuff coming down the pike, I

am so pleased.

The point about your studies is that it's all solidly Catholic and you do not get hung-up on the j source, or the e source or any of that intellectual stuff. It's all straight forward, solidly Catholic and most of all devotional. I have waited so long for this and have a deep longing in my heart to let other Catholics know of our deep biblical faith. I cannot praise you or your collegues enough. I now look forward to the Jehovah Witnesses knocking on the door, as I can now tackle them on their own ground. I will be sending a donation.

Thank you, thank you, a thousand times thank you.

May Our Blessed Lord bless you, yours, your collegues and your apostolate in Jesus' precious Name.


London, England


Dear Catholic Exchange:

The poem, The Silent Night by Pavel Chichikov is beautiful! It touched my heart and soul. I always enjoy reading the poetry on your site, but this poem is extraordinarily beautiful.


Jean M. Heimann

Editor's Note: To contact Catholic Exchange, please refer to our Contact Us page.

Please note that all email submitted to Catholic Exchange or its authors (regarding articles published at CE) become the property of Catholic Exchange and may be published in this space. Published letters may be edited for length and clarity. Names and cities of letter writers may also be published. Email addresses of viewers will not normally be published.


Hello Friends!

How about composing a printable petition sheet that tells our government and the mainstream media that we are fed-up with the growing anti-Catholicism and anti-Christianity in this country? Let's word it in way that shows the love and joy and righteous anger of our Lord burning brightly inside of us!

A list of CBS sponsors and their contact information would be great too. I'd print it and pass it around!!

You all are doing a wonderful job at Catholic Exchange, thank you so much!!

Your friends in Christ,

Roger and Sheila Darisse

Garland TX

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