Viewers Speak Their Minds

Dear Catholic Exchange:

I am writing regarding a recent article about the problems affecting the Catholic church. Please note that one of the problems that seems to be going undetected is that of unilateral divorce. Our priest shortage, as well as our brothers and sisters in Christ turning away, is due to the disposal of our families.

Children watch selfishness in adults, and model them in a way that draws them from the Church. Most who have left the Church have in some way been affected by broken homes, not protected by the Church that in writing values them so highly, but takes no action. This draws the broken into lives full of abuse, sexual misconduct, and lack of formation. I know this because a non-denominational Church saved my Catholic faith when my local Catholic parish did nothing in our family's time of need. Please mention this, as I have found this is one of the leading causes of lack of vocations, as well as the faithful losing their faith and leaving the Church entirely.

In Jesus and Mary,

Tim Nolan


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