Dear Catholic Exchange:
I enjoyed John Allen's article on the March For Life. I remember the impression my first March made on me. I was so inspired that I came home and wrote out the following list:
1. Pro-lifers smile more that pro-choicers.
2. Babies are so cute–it feels good to be on THEIR side.
3. It's the family tradition: your mom was pro-life, your grandma was pro-life, your great-grandma was pro-life….
4. Ask any 5 year old reader of Dr. Suess: “A person's a person, no matter
how small.”
5. Birthdays are fun days filled with presents and cake, but no one throws an “Abortionday” party.
6. If being with young people keeps you young, loving the pre-born keeps you young at heart.
7. Being pro-life is loving life, and letting others have a chance to also.
8. Ever dream of defending the helpless against an unjust regime? Here's your chance.
9. Be pro-life and you get to meet and enjoy people of all ages, religions, ethnic backgrounds and color, all united in a common love of life.
10. Pro-lifers defend YOUR personal right to life too, which may come in handy someday!
And the most important reason to be pro-life?
Mrs. Betty Wittman
Manassas, VA
Editor’s note: Except for the last letter below, the following letters were received by John Allen in response to his Catholic Exchange article “A March for Life Diary—From One Who Was There.”
Dear John Allen:
I just read your article on Catholic Exchange about the March for Life. I'm glad you were able to get there — it is truly an awesome experience! I was unable to go this year, for the first time in many years, but your article brought everything back! My 14-year old son was able to go, however, and represent our family. (Along with my cousin, Fr. Dan McElheron, from Watertown, CT, who was one of those priests on the altar at the Basilica. He is newly ordained….. what a thrill!) That is one of the things that I am always aware of when we go — that for each of the hundred thousand (plus!) people who are there, there are many more back home who were unable to march, whether because of prior commitments, jobs, health, financial reasons, or whatever. No person at the march is alone. Each is a representative for hundreds of others who are there in spirit.
AND you are right —- each year the lack of media coverage is just unbelievable for those who were there and experienced the huge crowds and the inconvenience and the delays. This is NOT news??? Even when there is a mention of the March, the cameras show a few marchers walking past with their signs — there is never a shot from the top of the hill looking backward at a veritable ocean of marchers as far as the eye can see! No one in the liberal media wants to admit that there are more than a few “right-wing extremist anti-abortion protesters” in Washington on Jan.22. And of course, the media slogan holds true, “if we don't have film, it didn't happen!” Unfortunately, for those who weren't there, it might as well not have happened, unless we who have experienced this great event share it with them. So, thanks for your article. Maybe next year, Catholic Exchange can put up lots of GOOD pictures for those at home to see!
See you next year in Washington!
Sharon O'Connor
Dear Mr. Allen:
Thanks for the gripping and down-to-earth account. I've just sent your story to five of my best pro-life women friends, asking how many will come with me to Washington next year. Our family made the March for Life in our state capital for the first time this year. No media coverage here either. 3,000 people on the Capitol steps, ignored!
In Him,
Pam Gunderson
Redmond, WA
Dear John:
I want to thank you for your story. I went to the march at my local capital in St. Paul, MN. I too was amazed and happy to see so many young people. It made my heart feel hopeful to see a new generation stand up for the lost of their peers. I am post aborted and carried a sign that read, “The worst ‘choice’ I made – abortion stop it NOW!” On the other side I wrote, “Stop the lies, tell the truth abortion does hurt women.”
When at the capital I was truly touched by the people and their love they showed me.
As I stood raising my sign above my head on the front stairs of the capital, facing the crowd as they marched by and plied on to the capital lawn, a sense of victory came over me. Satan did not win this battle, God's grace came pouring down from the heavens and gave me the strength to stand tall and shout out with bright neon colors about my abortion. Satan could not influence with me feelings of shame and guilt. And God's people were moved to let me know how they felt.
Many people were turning their heads to read my sign and they'd say to someone they were with, “look at that sign.” Then the look of Love would over come their faces. Many of them nodded and smiled. Some of them approached me and hugged me with tears and asked how I was doing and said they would pray for me. It was truly a wonderful and blessed experience
Earlier that morning I had been standing outside at a pro-abortion breakfast meeting with my sign. As I was leaving a car with two women who had come from the meeting saw my sign and one said to me, “Go to hell.” I believe as more and more women feel it is safe to come out we will start to see more signs like mine.
God Bless you,
Ann C.
Dear John:
I enjoyed your diary of the pro-life march. I was there too and the first time I went I was in awe of the sea of people and the wonderful feeling of freedom I felt that I could walk down Constitution Avenue and hold my Rosary in my hand and pray out loud for something so important as life.
Last year there were twice as many people, I think because of the inauguration of our new pro life president.
One thing you fortunately missed is that there was a waiting line of nearly an hour to get on the metro from the Shrine and it was so crowded going back, we were not permitted to get off at the Catholic University stop and had to go to a bus station that was equally crowded and wait for a ride back to the Shrine.
I'm glad you had a good experience and I don't doubt you will return as I have for five years now. My daughter went with her Catholic high school and she was one of those young pro lifers that you saw and it makes my heart feel good that the young people are participants. It's a great way for them to be.
Kathy Cox
Dear John Allen:
Great article brother! In order to “Shut Them Down,” all Catholics and people who defend life must take an active role in this most important fight. With no media help whatsoever, it is our responsibility to rid our country of the horrible scourge of abortion. Spread the good word to co-workers and family members. Familiarize people with the brutal facts and write to local politicians. We must organize a complete and total effort in order to achieve a safe and humane world for all unborn persons.
August and Patty Jane Allen
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