Vatican Warns Against ‘Global Ethic’

VATICAN, – Archbishop Javier Lozano Barragán, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, surprised those who doubt that the Maurice Strong led movement for a new “global ethic” presented a threat to Christianity. In an article published last week in the Vatican's L'Osservatore Romano, the Archbishop warned that the aim of the program was to supplant Christian values with a “global ethic.”

The “New Paradigm” as it is called in the article is an eco-religion which holds “sustainable development” as the highest good. The Archbishop warns that the New Paradigm manifests itself “as a new spirituality that supplants all religions, because the latter have been unable to preserve the ecosystem.” In a word, this is “a new secular religion, a religion without God, or if you prefer, a new God that is the earth itself with the name GAIA,” he said.

The influence of the New Paradigm is already felt in the field of bioethics which uses warped interpretations of ethical stands which result in justifying research which offends human dignity such as embryonic stem cell research.

“The different religions existing in the world have been unable to generate this global ethic; therefore, they must be replaced by a new spirituality, which has as its end global well-being, within sustainable development,” explained Archbishop Barragán.

See the coverage from the Zenit News agency.

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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