Amen, I say to you, I shall not drink again the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
But when did Jesus next drink the fruit of the vine? From the cross (John 19:28-30)! Just some common wine given to the One who made wine into His Blood the night before.
These may be from different Gospels, but John was right there! I do not think the significance was lost on him! I think it would be a mistake to dismiss the connection.
Jesus took the "commonness" of His death on the cross (something Pilate used a lot) to reveal the "extraordinariness" of His gift to us. And in that commonness, Jesus also said "It is finished." The Kingdom had come.
The Kingdom of God was there " and here. There at the foot of the Cross. Here at each altar every day.
Jesus' Own Blood, poured from His Precious Wounds, poured out on the people He has made His Own, brought the Kingdom of God present to the earth in a way never seen, hardly dreamt of, before.
As we take and eat, take and drink, we bring His Kingdom not only into our own lives, but help make that Kingdom present to the world.
It is finished! The Kingdom has come. We have tasted it, and it is good! Now we need to bring the world to His Feast.
May His Kingdom be fully revealed through us! May His Body and Blood strengthen us to accomplish what He has begun in us.