COLUMBUS, Ohio, ( – The Presbyterian Church (USA) general assembly has reaffirmed its support for abortion in cases where the fetus is too young to survive outside the womb.
“The ending of a pregnancy after the point of fetal viability is a matter of grave moral concern to us all,” says the statement, “and may be undertaken only in the rarest of circumstances and after prayer and/or pastoral care and when necessary to save the life of the woman, to preserve the woman's health in circumstances of a serious risk to the woman's health, to avoid fetal suffering as a result of untreatable, life-threatening medical anomalies, or in cases of incest or rape.”
But Terry Schlossberg of Presbyterians Pro-Life issued a protest: “This allows for so many exceptions; there's no way for the church to counsel that any late-term abortion would be objectionable.”
To read the Presbyterian News Service story on the decision, click here.
(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)