US Catholic Pro-Life Leader Calls Bluff on Seamless Garment Approach to Pro-Life Politics

Judie Brown, president of the American Life League, one of the largest pro-life groups in the United States, has called the bluff of Catholic leaders who insist on seamless-garment approaches to pro-life politics.

“According to seamless-garment bishops, it's simply inexcusable for pro-lifers to publicly identify pro-abortion 'Catholic' politicians like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Susan Collins, Pat Leahy, Tom Daschle, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski and Dennis Kucinich,” says Brown. “They say if we're going to name the names of those opposed to the inalienable right to life, we must also name the names of those who are opposed to all the other 'rights' the U.S. bishops address in their 'social justice' laundry list.”

Brown thus offers “the following five promises to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:

&#0151 You say a 'living wage' is just as important as the sanctity of human life. We say, if you can name the names of the Catholic politicians who openly oppose a living wage, we'll publish those names, too.

&#0151 You say adequate health care is just as important as the sanctity of human life. We say, if you name the names of the Catholic politicians who oppose adequate health care, we'll publish those names, too.

&#0151 You say the freedom of education is just as important as the sanctity of human life. We say, just give us the names of the Catholic politicians who openly oppose freedom of education and we'll expose them, too.

&#0151 You say, economic freedom is just as important as the sanctity of human life. We say, name the names of those Catholic politicians who openly oppose economic freedom and we'll put their names in print, too.

&#0151 You say reducing poverty is just as important as the sanctity of human life. We say, send us the names of the Catholic politicians who openly oppose reducing poverty and we'll put their names in print, too.”

Brown admits the possibility that Church leaders may not be able to “come up with the name of a single Catholic politician who openly opposes any of those threads in your seamless garment.” She adds, “While we're waiting for your reply, however, we trust you won't mind if we continue to inform pro-abortion 'Catholic' politicians like Kennedy, Kerry, Schwarzenegger, Pelosi, Durbin, Collins, Leahy, Daschle, Harkin, Mikulski and Kucinich that their reception of Holy Communion — the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ — is a sacrilege and thus the act doesn't cleanse their sinfulness. It compounds it.”

See Brown's full piece here.

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