Our Lady of Peace Retreat Centre, Beaverton, OR; May 3, 7pm. Details here. If any are interested in hearing me speak about the Way of Beauty, then please come along, I would love to see you there. The talk will focus on the themes that I have mentioned before – Catholic culture, liturgy and family: the Mass is a jewel in its setting which is the Liturgy of the Hours; Liturgy (with the Eucharist at its centre) is a jewel in its setting, which is the cosmos. The cosmos reflects the patterns of the heavenly liturgy and show us the way to connect the earthly and the heavenly liturgy – the liturgical seasons follow the patterns of motion of the planets, the stars and especially the sun and the moon. I will illustrate this connection with slides of art, architecture and music reflect these patterns, too, so that we can see that the whole culture and creation are in harmony with each other, the beauty of which directs our souls to the Creator, Christ in Heaven and Christ really present in the Eucharist.
April 26, 2012