The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) complained Monday that only about $9.4 billion was spent on “population and reproductive health” in 2001. The group says the Cairo Conference agreed to put $17 billion a year at the service of population control. In 2000 it is estimated that $11.2 billion was spent.
Addressing the Commission on Population and Development, UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Ahmed Obaid trotted out the numerous programs through which UNFPA has surreptitiously supported abortion and population control. Such programs include addressing “maternal mortality”, “HIV/AIDS”, “reproductive health services”, and “girl's education”.
Responding to the complaint, Canada today announced a $1 million contribution to UNFPA “to support the integration of HIV/AIDS prevention information into reproductive health services with a special focus on adolescents.”
See the UN report on the meeting.
Click here to see the Canadian government release on the UNFPA grant.
(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)