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Please note that all email submitted to Catholic Exchange or its authors (regarding articles published at CE) become the property of Catholic Exchange and may be published in this space. Published letters may be edited for length and clarity. Names and cities of letter writers may also be published. Email addresses of viewers will not normally be published.
Dear Catholic Exchange:
My parish priest tells me that the Church opposes the proposed pre-emptive strike against Iraq because it fails to meet, for example, the criteria for a just war as promulgated in the Catechism. This is great news as far as I am concerned.
What puzzles me is that you lead off your roundup of world news on October 16, 2002 with a verbatim report on the signing of the Iraq Resolution from FoxNews's ultra-right-winger and arch-hawk, Britt Hume. Hume of course puts the best possible spin on the resolution and its passage.
I don't understand why Catholic Exchange is giving the unfair and unbalanced FoxNews (known in many circles as GOP-TV) uncritical exposure on this issue. We are Catholics and we are NOT obligated to present 'straight news' without judgment. Can you enlighten me as to why our collective outrage is nowhere in evidence?
Tony Zito
Poughkeepsie, NY
Dear Mr. Zito,
Thank you for your feedback. Here are two articles concerning the war that are running in our lead story module that I believe reflect the range of current Catholic thinking on the subject: Possible War with Iraq and War Drums.
Our News editor tries to choose the best articles he can find on the pressing issues of the day to post in our News module. The fact that you and he may disagree on how right-wing FoxNews is or how left-wing CNN is would probably be a difficult argument to settle.
Tom Allen
Catholic Exchange
Voting for True Social Justice
Hello, Catholic Exchange:
Thank you for your website. I am inspired by something in it every day. I felt compelled to write and tell you of the response I got from my congressional representative when I called him in response to your call to action about the upcoming partial-birth abortion ban legislation.
My senator is Jeff Bingaman, New Mexican democrat. His response was essentially to give me a pat on the head and tell me he is in favor of the practice. He indicated absolutely no concern for the life of the child.
Our state has a large Catholic population and is predominately democrat. For decades the Democratic Party has been perceived as the party for social justice. Democrats—like me—have been proud of this perception. We're the party who helps those less fortunate, right? Who is less fortunate than the unprotected unborn? Or, than the frail elderly? Senator Jeff Bingaman, you have forever lost my vote. I have become a one-issue voter. I will vote only for TRUE social justice. I have realized there cannot be ANY social justice where there is such disdain for life, such sinful disregard for God's holy creation.
Frances Tibbetts
Poverty Caused by War
Dear Catholic Exchange:
I was stunned to see the headline, Colombian Bishops See Poverty Caused by War in your News section. For years we have been told the opposite: poverty causes war. In like vein, we are told if the rich would just give most of their money to the poor, there would be no more war, no more gang violence, no more crime, and we would live in utopia. I am thrilled the Columbian bishops understand the poor cannot produce goods and services in an atmosphere of terror and violence. I hope the word gets out. (Has anybody notified Hollywood’s left?)
Duc in altum,
Christy Garcia