Turkish Man Seeks Baptism

A Boost from Down Under

Dear Catholic Exchange:

On 29th October we posted an International Cheque of US$90.70 by registered mail to Catholic Exchange, P.O. Box 231820, Encinitas, CA, 92023, USA. You should receive this by next week all going well. This is a donation for the Scripture Studies we have received through the Internet.

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Sr. Columba Bruno,

Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver,

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Dear Sr. Columba:

With deep gratitude we accept your donation.

How wonderful it is to see another example of how our good Lord is impacting lives through Catholic Exchange all over the world!

Mark Dittman

Associate Editor

Catholic Exchange

On Conversion & Marriage

Dear Catholic Exchange:

I read with great interest your exchange [see below] with the Turkish Muslim who is in the process of conversion. I am also a convert from a very anti-Catholic religion, Jehovah's Witnesses. My main interest in evangelization is witnessing to cult members. There is some similarity (not calling Islam a cult by any means) in that there are often very intense reactions from family members to anyone who attempts to leave the group.

One suggestion that is sometimes successful is to ask the person who is converting to be extremely patient with the unconverted spouse and try to keep the lines of communication as open as possible. I don't know if it would help to ask that man to wait and to focus on bringing his wife with him rather than to rush into the Church and out of the marriage. The impact upon their children and extended family could be either very beneficial or disastrous depending upon how he handles it.

I don't know what other communication you have had with him other than what you have published and perhaps this has already crossed your mind, but I though it might help to have this perspective.

God bless you,

Catholic Exchange Viewer

Dear Catholic Exchange:

Thank you for your quick response and your sincere comments. The problem about the file has already been solved and I have successfully downloaded it.

Unfortunately I have found your website very recently and so I have started my very first Bible Study with the book of Revelation. Although I have some language problems which is not a very big barrier, I am enjoying the study very much and also I should admit that I am trying to understand your lessons because you are giving too many references of which I had no idea, but I was able to find most of your referred documents in some web sites which I recently found. Also I have started to learn some Latin words through them. Also I should confess that I am not able to answer most of your questions related to Catholic life.

It is true that Turkey is a Muslim country (they say more than 95% percent of the population is Muslim). I was also a Muslim.

About three years ago somebody whom I don't know has given me a Bible (New Testament) in Turkish. I have read the book and my whole life has completely changed. I was in contact with Protestant groups but I never found myself too close to them. One day a pastor has talked some words which I did not like. Those words were related to the Virgin Mary whom we (Muslims) do respect and pray to. That day was the last day of my encounters with the Protestants.

Days passed by, and totally by chance, in a very big bookstore (but it is very rare possibility to find books about Christianity) I have seen a red book on top of a shelve which was The Catechism of The Catholic Church in Turkish.

From start to end I have read it quickly and although I did not understand every thing very well I have accepted every word of it. And today I am very rejoicing because I have received my copy of The Holy Bible&#0151Catholic version which I had ordered through the Internet. This is my story. Now I am trying to find somebody to baptise me if possible. God bless you.

Viewer in Turkey

Dear Viewer:

Your story is beautiful! Praise God! I will pray that you are baptized very soon.

Is there a Catholic Church there? Are you attending Mass? What is your understanding of the Holy Eucharist? Is there any part of the faith that you have questions about? If so, please feel free to contact us and we'll be glad to help you learn and grow in your Catholic faith.

By the way, I, too, am a convert. I was Protestant all my life and God in a supernatural way lead me to the Catholic Church after I had a life-changing experience such as you did. My husband joined the Catholic Church a year later (he had to read more about the faith). I didn't really know the Virgin Mary as I do now. I fell in love with our mother in heaven. She has brought me even closer to Jesus.

Would you mind if we shared your letter on our website, Catholic Exchange? I think it would make a wonderful article for many to see. Would this cause any problems for you? Please advise. God bless you.

The staff of Catholic Exchange

Dear Catholic Exchange:

If you think it will be useful you can put my letter on your website. I am open to any suggestion coming through yourselves. You can edit my terrible English as you wish. But please do not publish my name.

This I will solve with the help of my Lord because even my wife threatens me with divorce whenever I get baptised.

In Turkey all the church buildings are surrounded with very high walls and you feel awkward to enter. Yes there is a church building which is not far away but I don't know whether it is a Catholic church or not. No I have not yet met any body from the Catholic faith and I have not attended any Mass. I don't know much, but I promise I will learn every thing I should know by this coming Easter.

I will hope to hear from you again. God bless you.

Viewer in Turkey

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