Tumblr: A Must Have App?

I got turned on to Tumblr a few months ago and have since been using it as a cross between a widget and an add-on to The Daily Saint.  It's easy to use but is it a "must have" app?

Tumblr is free which is always good!  It only takes about 30 seconds to figure out and then you're ready to go.  I like the simple, clean interface and use it in the following ways:

  • Tagging photos: see something you like?  Just pop it into your Tumblr dashboard
  • Tagging articles: don't forget something that you might want to read later.  Your readers may also want to see what you're reading so they can pick up a tip or two.
  • Tagging quotes: not only does Tumblr allow you to tag a quote but it pops the quote into a nifty font package…very simple to use and just what you want- nothing more.

For me, Tumblr is a must have app.  It does what I want it to and I can use it "on the fly".  Try it out today and take it for a ride around the block.

Click here to see how my Tumblr looks and what I've been tagging.  Enjoy!

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