Homily of the Day

Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Do we read the Gospels with more intensity and dedication than we would a magazine of the passing interests of this world or the daily newspapers or the internet news? There is no better way to become “rich toward God” than to be transformed by the Eucharistic Christ. Taking time to be with Jesus and making this a priority is a sure way of increasing the life of grace within us. When we do so we reinforce in our lives the importance of what lasts unto eternal life. Instead of building bigger barns to store material goods, we open the wineskins of our heart and our entire souls to store up the life of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the received body, blood, soul and
divinity in the Eucharist.

How many times do we visit the Eucharistic Christ? Or if we do not have that opportunity, how often do we make a spiritual communion to place ourselves spiritually in his presence? Studying the Cross demonstrates to us that the things of this world are passing.

The Cross, then, is a constant reminder to us of the way we need to live our lives, with our eyes set on the world that will never end. Let us pray that the world, the devil and the material things may never deceive us. May we never be led astray, believing that the goods of this world can somehow hold a candle to the spiritual goods that Jesus offers us.