Homily of the Day

Tuesday of the First Week of Lent

Some people like to talk. They demand to be listened to, but they
don’t have the same interest in listening. However, we usually cannot
listen if we are not used to silence. Mother Teresa once wrote that
prayer is the fruit of silence. Jesus wants us to understand that
prayer is more about listening than about talking.

Jesus tells us that God the Father knows what we need even before we
ask Him. Still, we should ask, because in asking, we become aware that
we have needs that only God our Father can grant us. We learn to ask
God what we most need for our salvation. That is why Jesus taught us
the “Our Father.”

Praying the “Our Father” reminds us that He is the Father of all, and
therefore every human person is truly our brother or sister. In
praying the “Our Father,” we essentially ask for three things: that
God have the first place in our lives, that He give us our material
and spiritual sustenance, and that He grant us His forgiveness.

Jesus emphasizes the importance of forgiveness. As the First Letter of
John reminds us, we are all sinners. One of the essential
characteristics of Christian living is seeking to encounter Jesus’
loving mercy. We can really experience it only when we put it into
practice ourselves. We grasp the true meaning of mercy when we forgive
others. If Jesus has forgiven us, even though we don’t deserve it, how
can we dare not to forgive others?

Let us thank Jesus today for teaching us how to pray to the Father. We
should make the effort to pray better and give God the first place in
our lives, preferring His will to ours. Let us also treat others as we
would like them to treat us, forgiving them when they offend us.